Constellations Word Searches
Explore the night sky with this word search puzzle about constellations. Search for the names of star patterns from different cultures and mythologies. You'll find famous constellations like Orion and Ursa Major, as well as some less familiar ones.
How many constellations can you spot in this celestial word puzzle? It's a great way to learn about the patterns in our night sky and the stories behind them. Have fun stargazing through words!
The Constellations Word Searches are available for free download in ready-to-print PDF format in four difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, Hard, and Expert.
- Easy Level (15 words on a 15 x 15 grid)
- Medium Level (30 words on a 20 x 20 grid)
- Hard Level (40 words on a 25 x 25 grid)
- Expert Level (50 words on a 30 x 30 grid)
Easy Level
The 15 Largest Constellations
You'll encounter 15 Constellations in this easy-level puzzle, set in a grid of size 15 x 15. Words in this puzzle are scattered throughout the grid moving right, down, or diagonally down-right.
Words Included (15): Hydra, Virgo, Ursa Major, Cetus, Hercules, Eridanus, Pegasus, Draco, Centaurus, Aquarius, Ophiuchus, Leo, Bootes, Pisces, Sagittarius.
Medium Level
The 30 Largest Constellations
In this medium-level puzzle, there are 30 Constellations hidden inside a 20 x 20 grid. Words are hidden in right, down, up-right (diagonal), and down-right (diagonal) directions. Words can share letters with each other.
Words Included (30): Hydra, Virgo, Ursa Major, Cetus, Hercules, Eridanus, Pegasus, Draco, Centaurus, Aquarius, Ophiuchus, Leo, Bootes, Pisces, Sagittarius, Cygnus, Taurus, Camelopardalis, Andromeda, Puppis, Auriga, Aquila, Serpens, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Orion, Cepheus, Lynx, Libra, Gemini.
Hard Level
The 40 Largest Constellations
In this hard-level puzzle, you'll find 40 Constellations scattered across a 25 x 25 grid. Words are placed in all 8 directions: 4 straight directions and 4 diagonals. Words can overlap, sharing common letters.
Words Included (40): Hydra, Virgo, Ursa Major, Cetus, Hercules, Eridanus, Pegasus, Draco, Centaurus, Aquarius, Ophiuchus, Leo, Bootes, Pisces, Sagittarius, Cygnus, Taurus, Camelopardalis, Andromeda, Puppis, Auriga, Aquila, Serpens, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Orion, Cepheus, Lynx, Libra, Gemini, Cancer, Vela, Scorpius, Carina, Monoceros, Sculptor, Phoenix, Canes Venatici, Aries, Capricornus.
Expert Level
The 50 Largest Constellations
This expert-level puzzle features 50 Constellations on a 30 x 30 grid. This puzzle includes words arranged in all 8 possible directions: horizontal, vertical, and diagonal. Some words might overlap with others.
Words Included (50): Hydra, Virgo, Ursa Major, Cetus, Hercules, Eridanus, Pegasus, Draco, Centaurus, Aquarius, Ophiuchus, Leo, Bootes, Pisces, Sagittarius, Cygnus, Taurus, Camelopardalis, Andromeda, Puppis, Auriga, Aquila, Serpens, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Orion, Cepheus, Lynx, Libra, Gemini, Cancer, Vela, Scorpius, Carina, Monoceros, Sculptor, Phoenix, Canes Venatici, Aries, Capricornus, Fornax, Coma Berenices, Canis Major, Pavo, Grus, Lupus, Sextans, Tucana, Indus, Octans.